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Showing posts from March, 2013

Confession #43 - "I Don't Hate Myself Anymore!"

I found this post from a note I started on facebook a few years ago.  And after I read it I could hardly believe how much has changed in my heart.  God has done an AMAZING work in me because I used to say these words to myself all the time and frankly now I can't remember the last time I even thought them.  God really does heal a broken heart.  Here's the post: Do you know how many times a day I say, “I hate myself”?  Way too many.   Whenever I regret saying something to someone else, “I hate myself.”  Whenever I look in the mirror and don’t like the image starring back at me, “I hate myself”.  Whenever I lose my temper with my daughter, “I hate myself”.  Whenever I realize I’ve missed an opportunity to bless another, “I hate myself.”  Whenever I pick out one of my husband’s flaws, “I hate myself”.  Whenever I don’t meet or sometimes even when I don’t beat my expectations I put on myself, “I hate myself.” Where did this self loathing come from?  Why HATE?  Hate is such

Confession #42 - "I'm Mad as Hell and I'm not Going to Take it Anymore!!!"

"I'm Mad as Hell and I'm not Going to Take it Anymore!"   Those are some pretty strong words hun?  Actually I'm quoting a line from a 70's movie, "Network".  In the movie a news anchor basically goes insane on camera and screams relentlessly, "I'm Mad as Hell and I'm not Going to Take it Anymore!"  Well this has been my life as of late.  In a previous post, The Bank Debacle (to read more click on the link) , I wrote about the rage I took out on the branch manager of our bank and how my anger got the best of me.  I was hoping that my anger was under control but after a few weeks have passed, I realized that just isn't so.  Let me explain: I've had a pretty rough go of things over the last few months.  I'd go into detail but it would take too much time.  Suffice it to say that there's a long list of issues one right after another that have plagued our family over this time.  Nothing horrifically tragic, just en

Confession #41 - "The Bank Debacle"

The Bank Debacle, sounds like a title to a Nancy Drew mystery, doesn't it?  But it truly was a debacle.  One of my most "dirtiest" moments as of late.  Oh yes, when the bible says, "... anger resides in the lap of fools."   (Ecc 7:9) it's not kidding because I made an utter and complete fool out of myself because of anger.  Long story short, because of a few bounced checks (for which there was a reasonable explanation) the bank's computer placed a hold on all our deposits but failed to notify us.  I only found out because my mortgage check bounced.  In my conversation with the bank on the phone, I didn't feel as if there was any resolution, so I sent my husband to work it out with the branch manager.  My husband called me at work to explain to me the resolution, but that was not to my satisfaction so I requested that he put me on the phone with the manager.  Sensing my level of anger, the manager,  refused to speak with me so I told my husband