When I first "officially" got saved, I attended a Southern Baptist Church and one of the staple hymns was "I Surrender All" The chorus goes, "I surrender all, I surrender all. All to thee my Blessed Savior I surrender all. Click here to hear the lyrics . I've found myself humming the song as of late and I think it's God reminding me that I need to surrender all my problems to Him. Now if you're a faithful reader of my blog you know that on more than one occasion I've labeled myself a control freak. I'm not so much a "cast your care" (1 Peter 5:7) kind of gal. I'm more like, let me take matters into my hands until I screw things up so bad I have no other choice than to rely on the God of the Universe to straighten them out. Funny thing is even though I know I don't have any control, I still believe that I can control things. The bible says, " apart from me (Jesus) you cannot do anything." John 15:5. ...
Up front and honest confessions of this gal's sinful heart