I confess this isn't very Christ-like but I can easily become depressed. It's as if I need an IV of happiness coursing through my veins to keep me from going to a dark place at times. I rely so much on my emotions to get me through the day. On complacent and lazy days I can become depressed for my lack of productivity. When I don't feel like finishing something I started I become angry with myself and depressed. When things are not going well and I feel hopeless and become depressed. Whenever money starts running low, I become depressed. When my child is continually disobeying the rules I become angry and depressed. If my husband is in a bad mood, I can get depressed. If work seems pointless and uninteresting I become depressed. If I feel like no one understands me I get depressed. If people aren't treating me the way I feel I deserve I get depressed. When I don't get what I think everyone else is getting I get depr...
Up front and honest confessions of this gal's sinful heart