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Showing posts from August, 2012

Confession #19 - Clean up this mess!

O ne night while tucking my daughter into bed, I reminded her that tomorrow morning she must clean up her room and put all her toys away.  She asked me if I would clean it up for her.  I said yes but only if she helps.  Then she sweetly replied, "Mommy, I'm going to pray to God to put them away for me so when I wake up the mess will be clean."  I giggled and thought how cute and said, "Well, I'm sorry honey, but God doesn't clean up our messes."  Funny thing, as soon as I verbalized that statement clarity came rushing into my mind.  You see, it wasn't too long before that night that I would spend my prayer sessions begging God to heal me.  I have a laundry list of health nuisances and issues that I frankly can just do without.  From obesity to diabetes to back problems I would pray for God to heal me.  I reasoned that if God could heal the woman from the story in Mark 5, because of her faith, than He could heal me as well.  The story goes: A

Confession #18 - This is the stuff that drives me crazy

I n July our air conditioning broke, living in South Florida there's no option, we had to repair it.  About a month ago the outside handle on the passenger door of my  car broke off.  Our fourteen year old dog has health issues are piling up along with the vet bills.  A few weeks ago my car suffered a blow out on the highway resulting in replacing the two rear tires, and the next day my husband ran over a curb making it necessary to replace the two front tires.  Three days ago the inside handle on the passenger door of my car broke off so now unless you're Bo or Luke Duke your not getting in or out of that side.  And on Thursday our air conditioner broke again!  That morning I found myself listening to Francesca Battistelli: This is the stuff that drives me crazy This is the stuff that's getting to me lately In the middle of my little mess I forget how big I'm blessed This is the stuff that gets under my skin But I've gotta trust You know exactly what You

Confession #17 - There's a little Chicken Inside

O ne of my good friends posted this on her facebook page a few days ago:  Since after church on Sunday, our daughter has been asking if we or she has a chicken inside? We assumed it was a part of their lesson, but could not figure out where that come from. Well, my husband cracked the code today: They have been learning about the Holy Spirit in Children's Church and about God's Power. They were telling them to "not be a chicken" when standing up for what you believe in and telling other's about God's love. LOL! As my husband tried to explain what "being a chicken" meant, our daughter got it, she said, "Well, I don't have to be a chicken because I have the Power!" Love how literal kids take things. This post hit me in the gut.  As cute as it may be, it served to remind me that sometimes I have a little chicken inside me too.  There are so many instances where I've failed to share the gospel with someone because I don't kn

Confession #16 - Lord, I didn't realize I was supposed to bring a gift!

A while ago I had a dream.  I fell from the earth into a large open roofed warehouse.  Landing on my two feet I noticed that I was standing on a gravel path that extended around the perimeter of this immense space.  There were all these people running on the gravel path passing God who greeted them at the end/beginning of each lap.  In my dream God looked like James Marsden, don't ask me why cause I don't know, but that's not important.  Anyway, every runner was giving God these beautifully wrapped gifts.  He would graciously accept the present and give each runner a hug before they would continue on the in their race.  Seeing this, I approached the Lord feeling guilty because I had no gift for Him.  Apologetically, I said, "Lord forgive me but I didn't realize that I was supposed to bring you a gift."  God smiled and took my hands.  He lovingly said, "Joanne, you don't understand.  I don't expect these gifts, nor do I want them, you are my

Confession #15 - I'm NEVER at rest!

Currently we are vacationing at my in-laws log cabin in the woods.  Being in a quiet place with a beautiful view is very relaxing, yet my heart is never at rest.  All I'm thinking about is the laundry I have left to do, how much is piling up at work, how my ailing dogs are getting along without us, and OMG I haven't blogged !  I didn't sleep well during the night which caused me to oversleep this  morning so I didn't rise-n-shine till 10 am.  That's just not like me.  Then I went on a nice long guilt trip.   Do you do this?  Torture yourself for just relaxing?  Isn't it okay to just relax?   As women when we are on vacation so many of us are not actually vacationing.  The world doesn't revolve around me so why is it that when I'm away I think nothing can possibly function?  I know I can't control the universe and yet there is this little part of me that is convinced that I secretly can.  God rested.  He spent six busy days creating the heavens an

Confession #14 - Paper or Plastic? I'm NEITHER!

P aper or plastic?  It wasn't too long ago that cashiers were asking us that question.  Latley I've been thinking that the question shouldn't be paper or plastic it should be plastic or glass?  There are thousands of things made out of plastic, toys, containers, parts, utensils, etc.  Plastic is a synthetic material, made from oil.  Plastic is inexpensive, strong, and durable.  It's basically made to take a lickin' n keep on tickin'.  Plastic products are fairly easily made - the chemical compound is poured into a mold and then it hardens.  When you drop plastic it generally bounces right back. So what's my point?  Why the lesson in plastic?  Because lately I've seen a lot of plastic; plastic smiles, plastic emotions, plastic posts about how great life is when you know for a fact that it isn't.  I've seen it used and abused over and over again by people who wish to pretend that they aren't feeling that pain, they aren't having any p