O ne night while tucking my daughter into bed, I reminded her that tomorrow morning she must clean up her room and put all her toys away. She asked me if I would clean it up for her. I said yes but only if she helps. Then she sweetly replied, "Mommy, I'm going to pray to God to put them away for me so when I wake up the mess will be clean." I giggled and thought how cute and said, "Well, I'm sorry honey, but God doesn't clean up our messes." Funny thing, as soon as I verbalized that statement clarity came rushing into my mind. You see, it wasn't too long before that night that I would spend my prayer sessions begging God to heal me. I have a laundry list of health nuisances and issues that I frankly can just do without. From obesity to diabetes to back problems I would pray for God to heal me. I reasoned that if God could heal the woman from the story in Mark 5, because of her faith, than He could heal m...
Up front and honest confessions of this gal's sinful heart