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Confession #15 - I'm NEVER at rest!

Currently we are vacationing at my in-laws log cabin in the woods.  Being in a quiet place with a beautiful view is very relaxing, yet my heart is never at rest.  All I'm thinking about is the laundry I have left to do, how much is piling up at work, how my ailing dogs are getting along without us, and OMG I haven't blogged !  I didn't sleep well during the night which caused me to oversleep this  morning so I didn't rise-n-shine till 10 am.  That's just not like me.  Then I went on a nice long guilt trip.   Do you do this?  Torture yourself for just relaxing?  Isn't it okay to just relax?   As women when we are on vacation so many of us are not actually vacationing.  The world doesn't revolve around me so why is it that when I'm away I think nothing can possibly function?  I know I can't control the universe and yet there is this little part of me that is convinced that I secretly can. 

God rested.  He spent six busy days creating the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day he rested.  God knows how important it is to rest.  You know that saying, "A woman's work is never done."  Well God's work is never done, and still he found time to rest. So what we're actually saying to God is, "I don't trust you."  He tells us in his word, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."  Matt 11:28-30

He's got this whatever "this" may be, he's got it.  Give it to Him and go rest your soul.

"Dear Lord, thank you for reminding me that you've got this, that I can trust you no matter what.  Let me find some rest for the remainder of my vacation, and may it bring glory to you.  And Abba Father, give my dear sister the rest they so deserve."  AMEN!


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