B ullying is a huge topic these days and rightfully so. Too many of our children and teens have been hurt, taunted, terrified and tortured by these so called bullies. However, bulling doesn't stop at children, lately I've begun to notice that grown ups have their own brand of this horrible behavior and it has got to stop ! I just want to know why people think it's okay to spread rumors, talk behind someones back and make others feel terribly uncomfortable in their presence. These people tend to believe that their behavior is justified but ignore the fact that in actuality they are being nothing but a no good Jesus' hating bully. That's right I said it, a Jesus hatin' B.U.L.L.Y! When someone tries to intimidate another person out of the environment that they spend time in whether it be a neighborhood, job, organization or church said person is playing bully. What's worse...
Up front and honest confessions of this gal's sinful heart