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Confession #24 - I'm Proud to be a Prayerful American

Election day is rapidly approaching.  Do you know where you stand on the issues?  Do you know which candidate you will vote for?  Many of us do.  I, unfortunately, do not.  Please don't take that as a request for more information or opinion on whom I should vote for.  My confession is that I have yet to choose the candidate who will receive my vote. 

For me this election is less crystal clear than past presidential elections.  On certain issues I agree with one party and others I agree with the other party.  I have no personal feelings toward either Republican or Democratic candidate.  I know many people feel strongly for or against a particular candidate because of religious, financial, or personal reasons, this is not me.  However, once election day comes, I'm praying to have my vote sorted out.  But that's just the point, I am praying. 

Honestly, as important as it is to be informed about the issues, the candidates, and to vote, I think it is equally important to be praying for our leaders, our election and our country.  Prayer is crucial, because no matter who wins the election, and no matter what issues our country faces, God is bigger than all of it and God can heal our Nation.  God can and will guide our leaders to take the direction He has planned for our country's future if we pray.  Let's not just be proud to be Americans let's be proud to be prayerful Americans. 

A terrific example of how God can change the hearts and direction of our leaders is found in the book of Ezra.  In chapter four the king of Persia, Artaxerxes, receives a letter from his associates warning him that the Jews were rebuilding the city of Jerusalem.  They warn the king that rebuilding the city would mean trouble based upon the history of Jerusalem's past.  The king issues a command that work must stop and the city must not be rebuilt.  However, in chapter seven, God has changed the heart of the king who says in vs. 23, "Whatever the God of heaven has prescribed, let it be done with diligence for the temple of the God of heaven."  And in vs. 27 it say, "Praise be to the Lord, the God of our fathers, who has put it into the king's heart to bring honor to the house of the Lord in Jerusalem..."

It doesn't matter what country you are living in, be it a Democratic nation, a Capitalist nation, a Communist nation, etc., God can change the hearts of it's leaders, but we must pray and trust that He will. I believe we should be praying every day for our nation and our leaders.  God's word tells us, "You do not have because you do not ask God." James 4:2b.  God expects us to ask and the more of us that ask in His name the better, “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven."  Matthew 18:19

"Dear Heavenly Father, today I confess that I have yet to pick a candidate to vote for, but I pray that you would guide me in this decision.  Father I pray that no matter who wins the presidency that you will be leading them and guiding to make the decisions that reflect your will for our nation.  Father I also ask for a call upon my sisters in Christ to be praying for the leaders our nations and the upcoming American presidental election as well.  In Jesus precious name." AMEN


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