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Confession #28 - That Aha Moment!

This weekend I was privileged to attend a Women of Faith conference with about 200 of the women of my church and the bible study I lead called Manna 4 Mommies.  If you ladies have yet to experience this amazing event, let me just encourage you to check out the dates in your area and get tickets!  This conference is tremendously uplifting and inspiring.  The talent is amazing with such incredible speakers as Patsy Clairmont, Marilyn Meberg, and Brenda Warner.  In addition there's equally incredible worship singers such as Mandisa, Sandi Patty, and Amy Grant and Mark Lowry who adds a unique and funny aspect to the program. 

This year has been my third straight year at the conference.  Each year I get a blessing, a take-away from the experience that encourages or inspires me to keep in the faith, grow in the Lord, change my perspective, etc...  This year I prayed for another such blessing, that Aha Moment, as I'd like to call it.  I sat there for 3 1/2 hours on Friday night relating to Mandisa's struggles with her weight as well as, dancing, singing and worshipping.  I listened all day Saturday to Patsy, Marilyn and Sandi Patty tell stories and relating God's word in their own special ways. I was attentive as newcomer Kelly Minter taught from the book of Nehemiah.  All really good stuff.  But yet no Aha moment. 

The conference was drawing to a close, I felt disappointment set in.  What God, no blessing?  No take-away?  No Aha moment?  Then Amy Grant began to sing.  Through her soft low soothing soulful voice I could hear the Lord whispering to my heart, "Take a look around Joanne.  Just take a look.  What do you see?"

What I saw, this entire conference, was the beautiful faces of the women I have come to love.  I could see tears streaming down their faces when they were introduced to Brenda Warner's beautiful son.  I could see them giggle at Mark Lowry's retro TV theme song montage.  I could see their hands raised higher than I'd ever witnessed at church praising and worshipping the King of Kings.  I could see their take-aways and I realized that my Aha moment was simply their joy. 

Lisa & Natalie

As soon as I realized this, my heart overflowed with an overwhelming excitement that these ladies were so tremendously blessed.  Additionally, this particular blessing, this Aha moment, has strengthened my resolve to push forward with the vision that God has placed on my heart to be a Christian speaker and teacher. 

My prayer is that all of you will all have the privilege of attending a Women of Faith conference and receive  your own unique blessing from the Lord.  And please let me know when you do and what your Aha moment was too!  God Bless you!

"Dear Heavenly Father, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, that this year's conference was the biggest blessing of them all.  Father accomplish your will through me, whatever that may be, I am yours use me.  And dear Lord I pray for my precious sisters out there, that they too will be blessed through a Women of Faith Conference as well.  In Jesus' name I pray."  AMEN


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