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Showing posts from December, 2012

Confession #34 - A necessary evil

Today dear sisters was a very difficult day.  Our dog of 14 years, Nicolas, died.  His health has been declining for a long time but after suffering a stroke early this morning we knew it was time to let go.  The process took a toll out on myself and my husband, but it was also very difficult for our 6 year old.  She kept saying, I wish no one ever had to die. Don't we all?  How many of us who have lost a loved one, would do almost anything to bring them back again.  Personally, the closest I've come to this kind of loss is when my Grandfather died back in 1993.  I never did get to say goodbye.  After staying strong while managing to get myself and my sister packed and on a flight to Tampa, when I saw his body lying in there in the casket I broke down terribly.  I grabbed his jacket and kept screaming, "Grandpa, Grandpa!".  His death wasn't real until I saw him.  That's why I hate viewings.  Death is a necessary evil.  It plagues all of us from time to t

Confession #33 - The Slacker....

Okay, as confessions go this is one of the most difficult ones to admit, but here it is..........I'm a slacker.  Those you who know me may find that funny knowing all that I do, but the truth is the only way I can "do" it all, is well, not to.  See, I ingore the important things I'm supposed to be taking care of.  For example, I let laundry pile up for two to three weeks.  Yup - we do have that many clothes.... I haven't cleaned the master bathroom for quite a while.  Yuck I know, I am embarrased to admit it but it's the truth....  I don't spend any and I mean any time with my husband.  I can't always do homework with my daughter.  I don't water my plants and they die.  I have a tendency to ignore my dogs....the list goes on and on.  I rarley spend time doing things that are just for me, and worst of all, latley I have even been slacking on my relationship with God.  Between my job, my business, the household finances, food shopping, my hom