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Showing posts from May, 2013

Confession #48 - The Blame Game

I love to play The Blame Game.  Actually I've become quite adept at it.  No matter the severity or triviality of a situation, I always manage to point a finger.  Unfortunately that finger is ALWAYS pointing at the same person........ME! I have become the worlds biggest and most critical person of my own faults and failures. Mostly I blame myself for every bad decision my child makes.  In the beginning I just figured that I was the World's Worst Mother.  The expectations I held for my daughter were immensely high.  This was a result of becoming a mother of a two-year-old who was unbelievably articulate and intelligent.  Having never parented before, I didn't know what a reasonable expectation was, and so I assumed that she could understand and be responsible for things no two-year-old could deal with.  Add in that my daughter comes from a background of abuse and neglect.  She just needed a mother who could offer her love, protection, comfort, and understanding.  Ins

Confession #47 - Joy is the Best Medicine!

If you've never seen the movie Money Pit and you're looking for a serious laugh, I highly recommend it, it's one of my favorites.  Click on the play button and watch.  In this scene the main character, Walter, is so overwhelmed by the amount of issues going wrong with the home he's just purchased that he breaks down, not crying but hysterical laughing. My life has been like this lately.  It's been chaotic, hetic, and exhausting.  But in the midst of it, I noticed an interesting change taking place in my heart.... I'll spare you all the details of the craziness itself, but suffice to say the straw that broke the camel's back occured on Wednesday evening after I noticed that my daughter's hair was infested with Lice.  If you've ever had a run-in with these nasty creatures you know all the work involved in getting rid of them.  It doesn't just take ridding them from the hair but you have to inhillate them from the home by washing and launde

Confession #46 - The Invisible Girl

Remember The Breakfast Club..."Don't you forget about me...."?  This was the quintessential 80's teen movie and most of us 80's kids can relate to it.  This movie had 80's high school pegged, you were either a Clair, the popular princess, a Bender, the burn-out, an Andy, a good-looking jock, a Brian, the brain, or you were like me an Allison; basically invisible.  See if you didn't fit in the other four categories, the other kids, well they just didn't see you, it was as if you didn't even exist.  That was pretty much my high school experience.  The invisible girl.  Nobody ever saw me.  Oddly, I thought those days were behind me, but not so much.  It's been 25 years since I've graduated and sadly, nothing has changed.  Here's what I mean, yesterday I reached out to a former classmate on facebook, someone to whom I was friendly with until I suddenly became invisible when she somehow broke the barrier and made the "in" crowd