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Confession #50 - A Real Test of Faith (Part II)

Continued from Part I...

Please know that although I've put so much of myself into my home, I see it as nothing more than a thing.  It doesn't define who I am, it isn't an idol and I don't worship it.  Therefore, if God chooses to take it away I'll be fine.  My joy comes from the Lord, the gifts He's given us and the people with whom I share them. 

However, God has tested my faith with this home for the last five years and proved faithful over and over and over again.  So why should I believe that's He's not going to do any different this time???  Now normally I don't share when I think God is telling me He's going to work a miracle.  I usually just keep it to myself and wait and see what God does.  But this time, I'm not.  This time, I believe that God wants His glory to shine so brightly that there is no doubt that He was in charge.  I believe with every fiber of my being that God is going to work an incredible miracle here. 

That said, no I don't know when, no I don't know how and no I do not know if it He's going to save us from foreclosure or provide something bigger and better, but I do know that He's in control and He's going to do something AMAZING!  Furthermore I'm telling the whole world to watch my posts for this testimony because it's coming.  My faith is strong, God will not fail us and he's testing me to see just how strong it is. God keeps showing me this verse, "The Lord blessed the latter part of Job's life more than the first."  I believe that God is going to do the same for me and I'm standing on His promises today. 

God wants to build up our faith.  He wants to prove to us that He is faithful.  The word faith comes from the Hebrew word emunah which is a verb meaning, to hold firm, hold steady, hold true.  Faith is an action you literally have to do something to have faith.  I'm doing something, I'm trusting, and believing with everything I am. 

As Christians we know that the faithfulness of God is true because of what God's word tells us.  Deut 32:4 says, "He is the Rock, His works are perfect, and all His ways are just.  A faithful God who does no wrong,"  In other words, a strong, secure and firm God who does no wrong.  And Lam 3:22-23 tells us, "Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, because His compassion's fail not.  They are new every morning; Great is your love and faithfulness".  Great is his emunah, his firmness, his strength, meaning you can weigh everything against Him.  The Bible also tells us that, "with God all things are possible," Matt 19:26.  And Jesus himself said in Matt 17:20-21, "...if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, "Move from here to there and it will move.  Nothing will be impossible for you."  Therefore, if we allow God through faith to be our emunah, our steady rock that holds us securely then our faith can reach heights never seen before and accomplish things never thought possible, knowing that we are securely fastened to God. 

So today I'm telling that mountain of mine, the mortgage, to move and darn it I believe by faith that it will move!

The Bible tells us that it is impossible to please God without faith, Heb 11:6.  It tells us we get faith from hearing God's message, the Bible, Rom 10:17.  It warns us not to doubt, James 1:6.  Ladies, we can move mountains with a tiny amount of this immeasurable strength called emunah, faith.  2 Timothy 4:17-18 says, "But the Lord stood by my side and gave me strength (emunah/faith) so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it.  And I was delivered from the lion's mouth.  The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom."

Ladies, I am not professing a name-it and claim-it philosophy.  I don't believe you can just say what you want and God will act as a magic Genie in the sky to grant our wishes.  I'm saying that if you have faith to trust Him, he will save you from the lion's mouth and rescue you from every evil attack and bless you beyond measure.  So, whatever you need to do in order to trust God, do it.  Wherever you lack faith, build it up.  Wherever you doubt; destroy it because I'm not the only person God wants to prove His faithfulness to, He wants to prove it to you!  James 1:2-4 tells us, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.  Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."  For us to grow in God we must face trials to build our strength in God, which is our faith. 

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."  Hebrew 11:1  I am sure that this trial is a faith builder and I know that I know that I know God is in it even though I can't see it....

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the trial I am facing and the faith to see the miracle before it's even taken place.  I pray for my sisters who are facing their own mountains and praying for you to move them.  Help them to understand that by faith they can not just move them but demolish them without shedding one bead of sweat. I pray they will pass this real test of faith with an A+ and hear you say, "Well done my good and faithful servant."  In Jesus name I pray AMEN!


  1. Praying that when Victory comes, you and everyone around you will recognize it as a gift from God.

  2. Thank You Simone! My prayers Are The Same.
    To God Be The Glory.

  3. Praying for you my friend. And I'm in total awe of your faith. xxx


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