I was so excited to get the magazine in the mail the other day and read my first officially published work!
This is my testimony:
As a child, like many women, I found myself wanting to re-write my story into a fairy-tale. I found myself dreaming, wishing on stars, searching for Princes, and waiting around for my Fairy-Godmother to Bibbidy Bobbidy Boo me into a better, happier life…
I was a very shy and quiet child. A strong insecurity had a hold on me for a long time. At age eight I was molested by a family member and it took me ten years before I told anyone and when I did I was told that it was my own fault.
In my mid-late teens my mother made several attempts at suicide, happily unsuccessful ones, but with each new attempt my heart died more and more. I found myself trying to end my life a few times as well. I suffered a nervous breakdown in my senior year in high school. Then a year later I was date raped, and then sexually assaulted in the work place. This agony was a catalyst that sent me reeling into an over-eating addiction that I continue to struggle with today.
Despite it all God was there every step of the way getting me back on track whenever I’d stumble or fall on my face. He sent Godly people to me all through my life reminding me that I was destined to be His. It took 27 years but once He captured my heart, well there was no going back. It was then that I stopped writing the story and gave God control over my life. When that happened, this retrospective of pain became a beautiful masterpiece. An amazing love story of Joanne and her Savior the Prince of Peace who has rescued her from the perils of evil and given her a promised “Happily ever after” ending; an eternity in heaven with Him. He's taken this insecure, hopeless child and transformed her into a confident, strong, and loving Christian woman. I have forgiven those who have wronged me and learned to show them the love of Christ. The Bible reminds us, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
I’ve been married to my wonderful husband for seventeen years and five years ago we adopted our amazing daughter. Additionally, God’s calling on my life to minister to the hearts of women has been an unbelievable new chapter in my book.
God knows your story too. Psalm 136:16 says, “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” He knows each chapter and page, He knows how long your book is and He’s read the plot. Everyone’s book begins with “Once Upon a Time” with no guarantee of a happy ending, but when we make Jesus our Lord and savior that all changes. Let Jesus Christ become the Prince of your real-life fairy-tale and re-write you’re story’s ending “And they lived happily ever after.”
So far this blog has been an amazing journey with God and I pray that you all have been as blessed by reading it as much as I've been by writing it. Please take a moment to revisit one of your favorite posts and leave a comment or if it's your first time here search through the posts that speak to you and leave a comment. I'd love to hear how God is working in your life through Confessions. Many blessings to you all!
Dear Heavenly Father, Lord thank you for using this dirty creature to shine your beauty. Father I pray that you would continue to use me to help your girls. I pray for my sisters in Christ, some who have amazing journeys of their own to share, Father give them the courage to share their testimonies by telling others about what Jesus has done for them so that we may continue the cycle of healing and reconciliation to you Dear Lord. In Jesus' name I pray. AMEN
BTW - You can allow God to use you to minister to women by sharing your testimony with Christian Woman's Voice magazine by emailing your story in 500 words or less to cwvinfo@christianwomensvoice.org .
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