A few nights ago a friend of mine was in distress. She felt she had cheated her children out of a legacy because she and her husband had made some poor decisions where money is concerned. She expressed feeling as if she had nothing of value to leave them. She said that it's her responsibility as a parent to leave a legacy to her children, to give them an inheritance. She said that she blew it.
My heart grieved for my friend but I strongly disagreed with her reasoning. While I do agree we are to be good stewards of the resources God blesses us with, which includes leaving an inheritance for our children, I 100% disagree that by not leaving a financial inheritance qualifies as not leaving our children a legacy.
For the last 10 years my financial life has radically changed. My husband and I have gone from a high five figure income to living just above poverty level. We've had no health insurance, no life insurance, no savings, no retirement, nothing...God forbid either of us pass away we would have nothing tangible to give our child. But I am certain that if that happened tomorrow, we'd still be leaving our daughter a legacy.
And that's just what I told my friend about her children. See, as Christians we, "Walk by faith, not by sight." 2 Corinthians 5:7 Which means we don't rely upon this world, and it's material possessions and fortunes to take care of us and meet our needs. We rely upon God. My friend is a Godly woman, who lives her life in faith and walks that out in front of her children each and every day. Her legacy isn't earthly things, her legacy is how she teaches and models before her children a life lived by faith. It is this same legacy I am leaving for my daughter.
Honestly what if we left our kids millions? Would they know how to handle it when the bottom falls out from underneath them? It happens all the time. Throughout history, people have taken their lives after discovering they were ruined financially. Because tragically they were worshiping their wealth and had no idea how to live without the god of money. But we, women of faith, are a living legacy, teaching our children that no matter the circumstances, in want and in plenty, we will praise and trust the Lord and He will be faithful to those He loves. He promises that He will never leave us nor forsake us and His love endures forever.
So what kind of legacy are you leaving your children? My prayer is that you are teaching them to lean not on their own understand but to live by the Word of God and to live by faith. Romans, 15:4 says, "For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope." God has left His legacy for us through His Word which is His son Jesus Christ. (John 1:1) Our legacy is to pass the word of our Lord and Savior onto our children and to teach them to live by dying to Christ which is to gain the eternal hope that we have in Him who always loves and provides for his dear and precious children, us.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you that you continually teach me to walk by faith and that you have given me the best legacy of all to leave my daughter, your Son Jesus Christ. Father I pray for the mom's reading this today who may feel they have nothing to give their children. Encourage them to know that the greatest gift, the biggest inheritance we can leave them is a witness of a life lived in faith. Give us the peace and understanding that our children and their futures are secure in you. In Jesus' precious name I pray. AMEN
My heart grieved for my friend but I strongly disagreed with her reasoning. While I do agree we are to be good stewards of the resources God blesses us with, which includes leaving an inheritance for our children, I 100% disagree that by not leaving a financial inheritance qualifies as not leaving our children a legacy.
For the last 10 years my financial life has radically changed. My husband and I have gone from a high five figure income to living just above poverty level. We've had no health insurance, no life insurance, no savings, no retirement, nothing...God forbid either of us pass away we would have nothing tangible to give our child. But I am certain that if that happened tomorrow, we'd still be leaving our daughter a legacy.

Honestly what if we left our kids millions? Would they know how to handle it when the bottom falls out from underneath them? It happens all the time. Throughout history, people have taken their lives after discovering they were ruined financially. Because tragically they were worshiping their wealth and had no idea how to live without the god of money. But we, women of faith, are a living legacy, teaching our children that no matter the circumstances, in want and in plenty, we will praise and trust the Lord and He will be faithful to those He loves. He promises that He will never leave us nor forsake us and His love endures forever.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you that you continually teach me to walk by faith and that you have given me the best legacy of all to leave my daughter, your Son Jesus Christ. Father I pray for the mom's reading this today who may feel they have nothing to give their children. Encourage them to know that the greatest gift, the biggest inheritance we can leave them is a witness of a life lived in faith. Give us the peace and understanding that our children and their futures are secure in you. In Jesus' precious name I pray. AMEN
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