The politics of the day have found me glued to the media outlets of my choice. The ups and downs of today’s climate have found me in nail-biting anticipation for resolutions. Like everyone, I want everything to get better for us and for our country. The financial climate, the lockdowns, the pandemic, the racial unrest, the destruction of monuments, and the great divide between Americans. All of this has gotten me so out of whack. I almost forgot who God is and what He says about all these issues.
Even if God doesn’t remove the obstacles, He makes a way through them, just as He parted the Red Sea. God could have removed the sea because He’s capable of doing anything, but if He did, it would not have been there to swallow up the Egyptians that were chasing after the Israelites. The Israelites only saw a dead end, God saw the perfect placement with the perfect opportunity because He’s GOD and has the power to separate oceans. He’s GOD with the power to destroy thousands of enemies with only a few warriors. He’s GOD with the power to set a drenched rock on fire, He’s God with the ability to feed 10,000 people with only 2 loaves of bread and 1 fish and still have leftovers. HE IS GOD!
Jesus didn’t promise us a perfect life after we become His follower, He told us straight out in John 16:33, “In this world, you will have trouble.” I don’t know a single person that doesn’t or hasn’t had some troubles in their lives.
God tells us not to worry over, and over again. As a matter of fact, it says “Fear not” in the Bible 365 times. That’s pretty interesting. God must know that we wake each morning with another “fear” or worry so he gave us this command one for each new day of the year.
The media certainly isn’t telling us not to fear. The media is moreover giving us the stories of what’s going on in our communities, our country and around the world. It’s telling us who said what and who did what, but it’s not easing our fears, it’s actually enhancing them. But no matter what is happening or promised to happen, we need “fear not”. The remainder of this verse in John says, “But take heart! For I have overcome the world.” NIV. I just LOVE how The Voice version words it, “In this world, you will be plagued with times of trouble, but you need not fear; I have triumphed over this corrupt world order.”
Why fret when you know that you did whatever you could? So, fear not, no matter the outcome. Yes, our world is in turmoil, it may not end anytime soon, but fear not. Your candidate may not have been placed in office but fear not. Your future may look uncertain, even in jeopardy, but fear not. You might contract this terrible disease but fear not.
Honestly, I don't mean to sound flippant. I can say this with peace because I know that we serve a Mighty God who does amazing things EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. I’ve seen in my own life God move and arrange things to bring about circumstances that worked out better than I could ever have imagined. Romans 8:28, my favorite verse says, “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” NLT
Even if God doesn’t remove the obstacles, He makes a way through them, just as He parted the Red Sea. God could have removed the sea because He’s capable of doing anything, but if He did, it would not have been there to swallow up the Egyptians that were chasing after the Israelites. The Israelites only saw a dead end, God saw the perfect placement with the perfect opportunity because He’s GOD and has the power to separate oceans. He’s GOD with the power to destroy thousands of enemies with only a few warriors. He’s GOD with the power to set a drenched rock on fire, He’s God with the ability to feed 10,000 people with only 2 loaves of bread and 1 fish and still have leftovers. HE IS GOD!
In my morning devotional I read this passage, “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:9-11. Our thoughts are not His thoughts, nor are our expectations His command.
We may not understand why God allows certain things to happen. We may believe He’s going to do
things a certain way or heal someone we loved instead of taking them home. But when it doesn’t go according to our expectations, often we find ourselves lost, sad, depressed, uncertain and perhaps even angry, particularly with God. But, God says, fear not, fear not, fear not. He loves you and He cares about even the minute details of your life. 1 Peter 5:7 tells us, “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” NLT. God will make a way where there is no way in your circumstances should that be His will. And should it not, He will work out whatever happens for your good. Fear not, my dear friends, God has got you in the palm of his gentle but mighty hand and He will never let you go. Isaiah 49:16, “Look here. I have made you a part of Me, written you on the palms of My hands” The Voice.
things a certain way or heal someone we loved instead of taking them home. But when it doesn’t go according to our expectations, often we find ourselves lost, sad, depressed, uncertain and perhaps even angry, particularly with God. But, God says, fear not, fear not, fear not. He loves you and He cares about even the minute details of your life. 1 Peter 5:7 tells us, “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” NLT. God will make a way where there is no way in your circumstances should that be His will. And should it not, He will work out whatever happens for your good. Fear not, my dear friends, God has got you in the palm of his gentle but mighty hand and He will never let you go. Isaiah 49:16, “Look here. I have made you a part of Me, written you on the palms of My hands” The Voice.
Dear Heavenly Father,
You are a Mighty God, working your plans and purposes for our lives and this world out perfectly according to your will and your way. Forgive us when we spend too much time listening to other outlets that spawn fear and worry. Forgive us when we forget to, “fear not”. Give us peace and remind us that you are always in control. We cast our cares upon you this day and pray that you would bring us peace within; a peace that transcends all understanding (Phil 4:7). In Jesus name I pray. AMEN.
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