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Showing posts from October, 2012

Confession #28 - That Aha Moment!

This weekend I was privileged to attend a Women of Faith conference with about 200 of the women of my church and the bible study I lead called Manna 4 Mommies.  If you ladies have yet to experience this amazing event, let me just encourage you to check out the dates in your area and get tickets!  This conference is tremendously uplifting and inspiring.  The talent is amazing with such incredible speakers as Patsy Clairmont, Marilyn Meberg, and Brenda Warner.  In addition there's equally incredible worship singers such as Mandisa, Sandi Patty, and Amy Grant and Mark Lowry who adds a unique and funny aspect to the program.  This year has been my third straight year at the conference.  Each year I get a blessing, a take-away from the experience that encourages or inspires me to keep in the faith, grow in the Lord, change my perspective, etc...  This year I prayed for another such blessing, that Aha Moment, as I'd like to call it.  I sat there for 3 1/2 hours on Friday night r

Confessions #27 - Learning to be a No Drama Momma

W hen I was young my family used to joke that I would walk into a room with a "puss" on my face just like my mom.  As I got older I was called Drama Queen.  I've been accused of making mountains out of mole hills more often than not.  And while I'll admit I do get emotional about certain situations and sometimes more emotional than I'd like, does that really qualify me to be labeled?  I recognize that I am an emotional person.  In fact my emotions are what drive me to do or not do many things.  I'm also an emotional eater which is why I have a weight problem.  But lately I've been thinking about this emotional label and I'm not liking it so much.  Felling convicted, I need to do something about it. Although I do not consider myself to be a Drama Queen (believe me I've met a few and I'm no Drama Queen) my emotions do seem to be getting in the way of my pursuit of becoming the woman God has called me to be.  Anger, sadness, frustration, disap

Confession #26 - Guess How Much I Love You

John 21:15-17 Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?”  “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.”  Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.”  Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”  He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.”  Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.”  The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”  Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.”  Jesus said, “Feed my sheep. My daughter has this cute little book, "Guess How Much I Love You."  Little Nutbrown Hare and Big Nutbrown Hare measure how much they love one another.  My daughter and I love this book.  As a matter of fact we always used to say, "I love you thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much!" and hold our arms out as wide as humanly possible.  Each time we'd try to stretch farther and farther, unt

Confession #25 - Whatchaya Waitin' For?

B rick walls.  They are ugly and block some truly magnificent views.  These "views" are blessings; they are the answers to our prayers.  So many times when we are waiting on the Lord to answer our prayers these ugly brick walls pop up.  They may come up because of sin or perhaps  Satan is preventing us from realizing a dream God planted in our heart.  In either case I don't think that God intends to keep us from our blessing.  I think many of us mistake these proverbial brick walls for God answering no to our prayers or we might even believe that He's just saying wait.  I don't always think that is so.  I believe that if it's sin that has built the ugly brick wall, then we need to systematically remove it brick by brick with confession, forgiveness, and repentance until we can get through to that blessing.  If it's Satan who's put up the wall, then by all means kick it down!!!   But sometimes that brick wall exsists because we are not doing our part

Confession #24 - I'm Proud to be a Prayerful American

Election day is rapidly approaching.  Do you know where you stand on the issues?  Do you know which candidate you will vote for?  Many of us do.  I, unfortunately, do not.  Please don't take that as a request for more information or opinion on whom I should vote for.  My confession is that I have yet to choose the candidate who will receive my vote.  For me this election is less crystal clear than past presidential elections.  On certain issues I agree with one party and others I agree with the other party.  I have no personal feelings toward either Republican or Democratic candidate.  I know many people feel strongly for or against a particular candidate because of religious, financial, or personal reasons, this is not me.  However, once election day comes, I'm praying to have my vote sorted out.  But that's just the point, I am praying.  Honestly, as important as it is to be informed about the issues, the candidates, and to vote, I think it is equally important to